GitHub Pull Request Guide

This guide will walk you through the process of uploading your translation file to GitHub and creating a pull request.

Upload File to GitHub. Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Ensure your translation file (e.g., fr.po for French) is ready for upload.

2. Fork the Battery-Health-Charging on GitHub.

3. Uncheck Copy the main branch only and click Create Fork.

4. Choose the appropriate branch for your work. In this example, we’re using GNOME45.

5. Under Find or create a branch, name your new branch (e.g., french-translation).

6. Click Create branch: french-translation.

7. Navigate to the po folder, click Add file, and then Upload files.

8. Drag and drop your translated file (e.g., fr.po) or choose to upload it.

9. Add a commit message and description (e.g., updated french translation).

10. Click Commit changes.

11. Click Compare & Pull Request.

Compare & Pull Request

12. Ensure you have selected the correct branch (e.g., GNOME45).

13. Enter your message details and description, then click Create pull request.

Pull Request Completed

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a pull request for your translation.

Poedit Guide
Crowdin Guide