

  • 3 presets: Full Capacity Mode, Balance Mode, and Maximum Life Span mode.
  • Default threshold values of these 3 preset modes are set at 100%, 80%, and 60%.
  • Each preset threshold value can be customized between 100-80 %, 85-65 %, and 85-50 % respectively.


Use one of the two dependencies: the framework-laptop-kmod kernel module or the official framework_tool package.

  • kernel module: framework-laptop-kmod.

  • framework_tool package

framework-laptop-kmod and framework_toolare supported by a third party and this extension/author is not in any way responsible for the kernel module installation, bugs or damages.

Testing charging threshold with framework-laptop-kmod installed using command-line

After installing framework-laptop-kmod below sysfs path will be available and charging threshold/mode can be changed. Now user will be able to set charging threshold, using commandline and test charging behavior. Charging mode can be set by using echo command in terminal.

For example:
To apply threshold value of 60, the command would be.

Require root privileges

echo '60' | pkexec tee /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_control_end_threshold

sudo also can be used in place of pkexec in the above commands as both sudo and pkexec can be use to run commands in root mode. To make use of polkit rules, the extension uses pkexec.

The current threshold value can also be read using cat command in terminal. For example, the laptops battery name in power supply sysfs is BAT0, command would be.

cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/charge_control_end_threshold

Condition for applying threshold

  • Accepted values for charge_control_end_threshold : 1 - 100

If charging threshold are applied successfully using above commands, the extension is compatible.

Testing charging threshold with framework_tool installed using command-line

Require root privileges

If drivers use may be cros_ec or portio, so choose accordingly.

pkexec /usr/bin/framework_tool --driver portio --charge-limit 60

Quick Settings

Gnome 43 and above Gnome 42

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