

  • 3 Presets**: Full Capacity, Balance, and Maximum Life Span.
  • Thresholds**: Preset modes have default threshold values set at 100/98%, 80/78%, and 60/58%. Customization options are available for each preset:
  • End threshold values can be set between 100-80%, 85-65%, and 85-55%.
  • Start threshold values can be set between 95-75%, 80-60%, and 80-50%.
  • Note: The difference between end and start threshold values must be at least 2%.


  • No dependencies required for kernel 6.11.XX and newer.
  • Older kernel are required to install packageectool.

Testing charging threshold using command-line

Sysfs (kernel 6.11.XX and newer)

Require root privileges

Use sudo or pkexec to run command as root
It is possible to set charging mode or threshold using commands in terminal. For example:
If the battery power supply name is BAT0, to apply threshold value of 60, the command would be.

Change end threshold
echo '60' | pkexec tee /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold
Change start threshold
echo '55' | pkexec tee /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_start_threshold


Require root privileges

Use sudo or pkexec to run command as root
It is possible to set charging mode or threshold using commands in terminal.

Set custom threshold.
Example below shows setting start threshold to 55% and end threshold to 60%
pkexec ectool chargecontrol normal 55 60

Read current charging mode or threshold the laptop is using
pkexec ectool chargecontrol

Condition for applying threshold

  • Accepted end threshold values : 55 or 100
  • Accepted start threshold values : 50 or 95
  • end threshold values > start threshold values + 2

Quick Settings

Gnome 43 and above Gnome 42

Extension Preferences

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